Since July 2015 staat de Levenskracht Gemeente Tilburg ingeschreven als "Levenskracht Gemeente" bij de Kamer van Koophandel onder nummer: 63855712 Since July 2015, the Levenskracht Gemeente Tilburg has been registered as "Levenskracht Gemeente" at the Chamber of Commerce under number: 63855712 Our church is registered with the Tax Authorities as an ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling- Charitable organization), under the name "Levenskracht Gemeente". This means that, under conditions set out by Dutch law, givers/donors are eligible to deduct their donations from their taxable income.

The RSIN number (Tax number) of the Levenskracht Gemeente is: 855429161




Would you like to donate? Bank account: NL16 RABO 0114 8765 76 Do you have a special destination for your gift? Then state this with your transaction.

Annual Financial figures Levenskracht Gemeente 2023
Baten en lasten-2023.pdf