Great that you are interested in 'Basics'!

Basics is a study for people who have recently come to know the Lord, or have just been baptized or who simply lack fundamental knowledge to build the rest of their Christian life. 

De cursus wordt gratis aangeboden en duurt ongeveer 8 avonden. Het is natuurlijk wel de bedoeling dat je je best doet om alle avonden aanwezig te zijn, aangezien de mensen die de lessen verzorgen er veel moeite voor doen om hun lessen en de ruimtes voor te bereiden. 

Themes such as God's plan, the gospel, how can I pray, how do I read the Bible, etc. are discussed. If you've never followed a study like this before, it is highly recommended that you take the Basics. It really helps you lay a solid foundation on which to build the rest of your Christian life. 

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